Collaboration of voices...

"The originality of this documentary comes through its global organic collaboration of voices unifying the storytellers, filmmaker and audience through an edited feature film." I've written this in a few grants of late and just posted it on the website as I've been doing some updates this fine day. Today it stuck with me.

What I find amazing about some of the films I've worked with in the past, and this one right here, is the energy that comes from all individuals working together for the same purpose. The connection that occurs from the power of a unified voice is beautiful and strong. As we work together, we move further. But where do we want to go?

I'll tell you where I want to go with this film, and that's toward more funding to allow the project to reach its full potential. That said, my current schedule is one of writing, writing and...researching. Not necessarily in that order. Why? Am I writing down mantras or manifestations so that the money tree in the back will grow big and strong? No. Well, sort of. As I write grant after grant, my message does become a manifestation of sorts. I believe more in the project and its purpose.

"As I work to stimulate understanding and a sharing of perspectives through Gayby Boom, I feel this work experiments with creating change through an energy wave of human empathy and connectivity. This film has the power to awaken others and create a positive change through each story, screening and discussion."

It does and we can.  (Check out past daily and weekly updates in collaboration with Goodkin to see how we got where we got.)

Beyond fundraising, I am also collecting a few last home videos trickling in. And I would still take others. I am beginning to form more creative content. I hope to capitalize on the potential of the movie and the movement. I believe it will happen. It will take work. So, back to work...


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