
So, what we be doing now?

I am tweeting and twitter-following, facebooking and linking info onto other pages...such as what you're viewing right here.  This way, I hope to use my whoa-man power to reach more folks by linking to a facebook group page, such as COC Nederland...because we are trying to go international.  Inter-national.

Which leads me to the next linking example.  Italian translation.  I'm not sure how clean it is but I do believe it showed grand efforts.  Who doesn't want to see hot Italian moms and dads??  I do.  And, sure, we'll see the kids too.  I don't mean to exclude the family aspect.  But I do think parents need a little praise here and there.

Moving along. 

Tweeting (we've gotten shout-outs), facebooking...sending out press releases...I am beginning to see the fruits of my labor.  Partly because I am indeed organized and I Excel my data and contacts, (yes Excel as a verb but with a capital E for name brand.)

Tomorrow I discuss with Melanie Nathan of the fabulous lezgetreal.com to cover the movie...they saw a link posted on Facebook...

I'm writing an article for thequeertimes.com about Gayby Boom, which will be amazing, both the article and the site...

I have a podcast interview set up for August 5 with Coach Sappho, America's Favorite Lesbian Love Coach.  Now, I must be honest...I love the sound of that.

I've also heard from a few folks with commitments to send in videos.  There shan't be a movie without video submissions, so this is a good thing. 

My eyes hurt from being on my i-phone so much as I try and extend many connections to garner better reach and marketing.  (Sidenote, i-phone screens are not durable and geniuses need a better line over, well, it is a small computer.  Welllll, it is a big phone and expensive too, so fix it, Genius.  My phone is great though.  Just saying.)

Back to cause and effect.  Mombian posted information about Gayby Boom yesterday, which was great.  We heart mombians.  We got a call from a woman to submit a video after she saw the info on Mombian.

So, it works.  These marketing efforts will pave the way for future endeavors as well.  Like what?  Check out some of my work and see for yourself, www.lisamarieart.com

Basically, it's one person...me...researching, posting, writing, connecting...and loving it.  But it's a lot of work and a lot of time.  If you'd like to assist, we are open to interns.  I also offer a subscription program to allow a sustainable route to continue to produce work and art that makes a positive impact in this world.  You can too.  Support the work and make a difference.

Enjoy and watch us grow.  This is how it happens.  Don't you want to be a part? 


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